Defensive Handgun Techniques (Must have CCL)

GunGuyRadio_9_October 06, 2013.jpg
GunGuyRadio_9_October 06, 2013.jpg

Defensive Handgun Techniques (Must have CCL)


(This class is will depend on weather conditions as the entire class is conducted outside)
(Students will be notified if class must be rescheduled)

Now that you have received your Illinois Concealed Carry permit, you must continue to train and practice with your firearm. It cannot be over-emphasized that the difference between marksmanship and combat marksmanship is truly the difference between practicing against paper and fighting for your life. This course details the use of the pistol in the development of your skills to improve combat marksmanship, not bulls-eye shooting. Students will need their firearm, a good holster, a minimum of 4 magazines and a magazine carrier and minimum of 300 rounds of quality ammunition. Be prepared to spend the entire day on the range. Everything you will be taught at this class will be utilized in the shooting drills at the end of the course.

Course cost - $100

Students should bring a lunch. Water and soft drinks will be provided.

Class hours are 9am to 3pm

** If on mobile device form scrolls inside of page, which makes it hard on Mobile Devices and Smart Phones, Sorry for the Inconvenience.

Class Dates:
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